This is a Claudia Guerra Design Bracelet, made by Gemstones: ONYX + HEMATITE & STEEL.
Diameter of the Gemstones:
8mm M: internal circumference 18cm L: internal circumference 19cmMeasure your wrist before and buy the size just up
DISCOVER the magical healing properties of Gemstones. Gemstones and crystals can be used for their metaphysical and healing properties. Learn how each gemstone can assist you in living your best life. Combining gemstones can bring magical results.
BLACK ONYX healing properties:
- Promotes fertility
- Provides protection and defense from negative events.
- Eases grief.
- Stimulates wise decision making
- Encourages happiness and good fortune.
- Promotes willpower
- Wound healing
- Childbirth: Stamina, strength and protection.
HEMATITE healing properties
- Balances energies in the body
- Grounding
- Self esteem
- Calms stress
- Reliability
- Protection
- Focus
- Optimism
- Increases blood flow and circulation.
GEMSTONES: Healing Properties & Meanings
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