Claude Guerra, BIO


Born in Milan, Italy, he study advertising photography by the hand, among others, Ando Gilardi, who is considered the most irreverent photographer and famous critic and historic of photography in Italy, with whom he collaborated in several proyects during 80". In 1981 he open his first advertising PhotoStudio in Milan and began to work for several prestigious agency. In 1983 he was the only photographer invited to participate in a important scientific exploration in Tassili, Sahara desert, for the CNR Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche. Few years later he win an award for a documentary movie he shoot for Mitsubishi in Brasil. in 1987 he begins a long sailing trip, almost 4 years that takes him all around the Mediterranean sea. In that years he colaborate in several proyects as geografic photographer. Since 1990 resides in Barcelona, Spain, where he began a new collaboration with some advertising agencyes of Spain.
He is a pioneer of digital photography now, and the creator of a revolutionary work methods using new digital techniques.
Of those years are his earlier artistic productions. In 1996 open his first exhibition in Barcelona where he present a series of very special portraits, made in negative Polaroid 55 and using a large format 10x12 (4x5 inch) camera. These portraits of famous characters in the world of spanish advertising, had the distinction of being made with one single shot, without any possibility of repeating them.
Endowed with great technical skills gained in many years engaged in advertising, that makes his artistic production is so varied. Color, B & W, Digital or Analogic, Landscapes or Portraits, Claude Guerra can easily move by all specialties.
He says:"I love the black & white but I like to play with colors, I love the classical photography, but digital art is one unlimited space to discover. I do not understand those who every day keeps repeating the same things".
In 2014 after a few years dedicated to teaching and to produce activities for amateur photographers, finally decides to take seriously his artistic vocation, this allow us to enjoy the intense passion and beauty always present in each one of his images.
Currently lives in Barcelona, in his Open Studio Gallery, near the city center, you can visit it and take a look to his artwork, or in Panglao, a little island in the south pacific where he spends long periods.
                                                                                                Gustave Legrand - 2016