GEMSTONES: Healing Properties & Meanings

Discover the magical healing properties of gemstones.
Gemstones and crystals can be used for their metaphysical and healing properties. Learn how each gemstone can assist you in living your best life. Combining gemstones can bring magical results. Which ones are best for you?
The Stone of Perception + Inner Strength
Agate is a variety of Chalcedony and comes in a wide variety of colors and types. Each with their own special healing and metaphysical properties.

- Agate is a wonderful gemstone for balancing the mind, body, and spirit. It transforms negativity into positivity. Agate enhances mental function, improves concentration, enhances perception and analytical abilities. It is a soothing and calming gemstone that heals inner anger. Agate instills security and safety.

Physically, Agate addresses visual, digestive and uterine functions. It cleanses the lymphatic system and the pancreas; strengthens blood vessels and heals skin disorders.
- The Stone of Courage + Strength
Amazonite is a feldspar stone that is known for its blue-green color. We love it for Throat and Heart Chakras.
Amazonite is an amazing stone for stressful times and in assisting with the release of toxic emotions. It's a natural Xanax! Use it during meditation and when you are in need of clarity. It's also wonderful for balancing Male + Female energies.
Physically, Amazonite addresses nervous system functions as well as bone and muscle issues.
- Amethyst is one of several varieties of quartz and a great crystal for the crown chakra.
Amethyst is a protective gemstone and one that brings awareness and a deeper sense of spirituality. It facilitates intuition and communication as well as abundance and prosperity.

Physically, Amethyst addresses our endocrine and immune systems as well as relieves headaches.
- Angelite is a very high vibrational stone that activates and aligns our throat, third eye, and crown chakras. As you work with this stone repeatedly, you’ll notice your inner vision becoming more vivid. If you’re someone that is trying to activate your own unique psychic abilities, we recommend working with Angelite alongside other high vibrational stones. Angelite will assist one during lucid dreaming attempts. By strengthening your connection to the dream realm and other dimensions, one will become more attuned to this frequency. Angelite is also a calming stone that can help alleviate overwhelming emotions. Simply holding a piece will induce a soothing sensation that slowly works its way throughout the body. 
- The Soothing Stone
Aquamarine is a Beryl gemstone.  Aquamarine's metaphysical properties make it a wonderful gemstone for tranquility and calmness, much like water. It clears confusion, creates closure and gives you the ability to express yourself clearly. It soothes the mind and removes fear. Aquamarine is a great stone for emotionally sensitive people.
Physically, Aquamarine addresses hormones and growth. If you are pregnant it will help discourage miscarriage and guard your unborn child. Other benefits of Aquamarine include relief for sore throats, allergies, and thyroid imbalance.
- Black onyx is ultimately known to be a protective stone. It lends one the power of strong defense by absorbing negative energies and especially assists those who feel like they are being drained of personal energy. A stone of discipline, it aids one in achieving and "grinding" out their goals and stimulates good decision making. This stone strengthens one's confidence, making the person feel more secure by stabilizing mental and physical imbalances. It will provide the structure that one craves, and to be the master of their own future. One will master the creation of their future by making wise decisions and becoming the driving force of their own lives.
- This stone helps you get back on track and focused on what’s most important to you, and not everyone around you.
Bronzite instills the courage from deep within to stand up for yourself and take assertive action to get things done.
When trying new things or opportunities such as a job interview, vacations or even a date, we recommend carrying or wearing a piece of Bronzite on you. It works to keep you grounded and comfortable in situations that would commonly cause you anxiety and distress.
- Hematite is a very special mineral that was believed to be used by man 164,000 years ago.
Hematite is one of the most powerful grounding stones in the mineral kingdom, intended to root your body and mind back to Earth. This stone helps refocus your thoughts and actions into those that matter to you most while guiding you on the right path. It's a stone of attraction, much like that of a magnet.
Hematite is constantly pulling down excess energy from your environment to help you use it towards your best interests. Once your focus becomes anchored to the Earth, Hematite shows you that anything you desire is achievable.



- Howlite is a stone of emotional healing that contains vibrations directly resonating with one’s root and crown chakras. Your root chakra becomes fully connected to Mother Earth and all the energy she provides. These connections happening at the same time are extremely rare, thus exposing the power Howlite harness within. This energy is very potent and becomes imbued within the user upon first touch. One will initially notice a sense of calm energy overcoming them, easing that unnecessary “weight” off your shoulders and allowing you to stand tall. Not only do your confidence levels begin to rise, but also your inner strength begins to awaken.


- Jasper is a solar stone, known as the Supreme Nurturer. Its vibrations emanate a great warmth that brings about a soothing sense of joy. When carrying or wearing Jasper, one may find it easier to unlock the inner joy of those around them. Jasper is a powerful ally in bringing balance to the physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies. Jasper also stabilizes and cleanses one’s aura, bringing weakened energies up to speed and eliminating negativity. This allows one to merge their physical and energetic auric fields so that one can successfully direct both physical and spiritual energies towards their goals.  It is a very protective stone that guides one safely through astral travel. Jasper brings overall great balance to one’s yin-yang aspects as well.


- Lapis Lazuli has always been known as a stone of royalty and spirituality. It is a psychic stone that assists in uncovering the truth through inner vision and finding the truth through the self-knowledge it provides.Having a clearer perspective of these things is of great assistance in finding blockages that hinder one from making spiritual progress.Lapis Lazuli has a powerful connection with the third eye and one can feel its stimulation just by holding the stone in one's hand. It aids in the development of enhanced intuition and provides one with access to spiritual guidance. It is able to guide and show one new ideas through visual images granting one visionary awareness, enhanced intellectual abilities, and memory. It is a stone for seekers of knowledge and wisdom, students of life who wish to stimulate the desire for knowledge. This makes it an excellent stone for those who are looking for new ideas, learning new things, and teaching others.In ancient Egypt, Lapis Lazuli was ground into a powder and used as medicine and as eyeshadow. Its link to royalty is also apparent in that King Tutankhamun's sarcophagus is heavily inlaid with Lapis and was also a part of the burial ornaments of other kings and queens. It was also highly treasured in ancient Sumer and China.


- Malachite is one of the most important minerals for protecting against negative energies. It fills our auric fields with positivity, while simultaneously pushing all the negativity outwards. Malachite is known to create a “cloak of invisibility” around the user. This stone also helps with emotional balance, especially during times when people around you put their “baggage” on you. Malachite offers the willpower to confront and get past any emotional and physical blockage happening in your current life. Lastly, it helps people who lack self-confidence and self-responsibility. This powerful mineral assists in making progress on your spiritual journey and is a must-have for anyone who is constantly working on themselves. Malachite opens your heart .


- Serpentine is ideal for those who are subjected to electromagnetic or energetic pollution. It insulates the aura, protecting the energetic structures of the DNA and cells. It supports healing by aligning your energy field with the Earth. It balances over acidification and stimulates the magnesium metabolism in the body. Serpentine is a good tool for therapists, especially of Emotional Freedom Technique this stone helps you get in touch with positive ways to integrate situations and emotions into your life. Serpentine can help you to be less sensitive to the thoughts, comments or opinions of others. It can help you feel more self confident and less invested in receiving external praise or appreciation. Serpentine is a stone of independence.


- Sodalite is a stone of insight. It is a mental enhancer and a key to unlocking deepened intuition. It increases the users' insight and allows them to get over the mental hurdles that they may struggle with daily. Sodalite enhances your mental capabilities and allows the natural contradictions of your mind to slowly weaken. It really is a personal stone in the sense that it dives deep down into your subconscious and allows true evaluation of aspects in your life. You’ll notice your strengths and weaknesses, as well as assisting in finding your true desires. Sodalite also assists in the development of ones’ intuition. The stone’s high vibrations aid truth and will help you better understand yourself and what needs to be worked on. 


- Tiger’s Eye represents the power, courage, and fearlessness of the tiger. In Chinese culture, the tiger is one of the twelve zodiac animals. He is a ruler of the material world, meaning anything physical that you can experience with the senses, like light, sound, and matter. All that can be experienced in this life, the tiger was the ruler of it. The tiger is more important than even the lion in Eastern cultures. They view it as the King of the Beasts.The energy embedded in the stone gives us the power to stay fully manifested in this plane of existence, rulers of our own body, and kings and queens of our thoughts and spirit. This stone has been revered in more places than just China, however.In Egypt, the beautiful bands of orange and gold displayed in the Tiger’s Eye stone represented the rays of the sun trapped inside the Eye of this sacred beast. The crystal’s beauty was revered as one of the most prized gems of the Nile River Valley. The Tiger’s Eye holds the power of the noontime sun, the energy of the midsummer, and the peak of lifeforce throughout the year.


- Blue-Tigers-Eye is a highly soothing stone that can reduce your stress, ease your anxieties, and increase your calm and relaxation.The energies of Blue-Tigers-Eye will aid in removing fatigue and easing the symptoms of depression.They will give you mental clarity,focus, and deeper insight on your experiences, both good and bad.This stone has the ability to make you see the issues that might have been hard to see otherwise. It will give insight to your internal struggles and emotional issues.It will open your aura, unload what’s in your heart, and clear your thoughts so that you will be ready to accept universal truths.


- Turquoise aids in truth-seeking and manifestation of expansion. It assists people in voicing their opinion and communicating better with people around them. Anyone who is shy and has social anxiety should always carry a piece when they are faced with uncomfortable situations. Also, people involved in public speaking should wear a piece to reduce the overall stress and anxiety of the situation.  Turquoise is also a stone of wholeness. It's an emotional balancer and brings peace and serenity to users in times of need.  Turquoise heals the emotional body(especially when depleted). Anyone looking for higher knowledge and wisdom should work with a piece of Turquoise, as it will rapidly benefit you on your spiritual journey.